Heming & Associates proudly supports initiatives that benefit Strathmore. This year, Heming & Associates attended the Project Hope Gala.
PROJECT H.O.P.E provides therapy to children diagnosed with physical, communication, cognitive self-help, social-emotional and /or behavioral challenges. They are partnered with Golden Hills School Division to ensure that the students receive the therapy during school hours in their schools so the children have access to this valuable therapy when they are most alert and while they are in their own community. The Gala allows Project Hope to raise funds to finance therapies for these wonderful children.
This year we were particularly excited that our office manager, Alaina Heming, spoke on behalf of all the parents of the children who are enrolled in Project H.O.P.E. Alaina stressed how Project H.O.P.E. has improved the lives of several children. Alaina offered as example to the friendly audience, the case of her daughter Maggie. Alaina emphasized that Project H.O.P.E helps people to focus on the strengths of the children attending the program. This approach helps parents to assist their children to achieve their full potential. Alaina explained how Maggie has benefited from the program and how Alaina has learned from the courage, strength and good heart of Maggie.
The staff at Heming & Associates were so proud that Alaina delivered such an emotional speech based on her personal experience with Project H.O.P.E. Anybody who has had the privilege to meet Alaina knows that her passion, courage, and loyalty inspire you to be the best you can be. We are so fortunate to have Alaina as our manager and working with her every day.