Our new logo
Competition forces law firms to evolve and innovate. The process requires a comprehensive and clear vision of what the law firm needs to be in the future. At Heming & Associates, our vision is clear: we aim to become the premier law firm in the Strathmore area providing a similar or superior legal service to what is available in Calgary or bigger urban centers.
Alaina Heming, our office manager, decided to mark the beginning of our renovated vision with the implementation of a new logo. We started a staff contest for the submission of our new logo. The winner of the contest would have the wonderful privilege of cleaning the staff bathroom once a week for a month. The office will provide his or her favourite cleaning products for the task.
There were several submissions from staff; however, the winning submission came from Fernando Arteaga, associate at Heming & Associates. Fernando wanted a fresh logo that reflects the origins of the firm and its close connection to Strathmore. “We are proud of being part of this wonderful team of professionals,” he says. “The name Heming reflects the name of professional individuals who are passionate about serving people.” The new logo is a letter H crowned with two wheat spikes. “We also wanted something that indicates that we are Strathmore proud,” Fernando explains.
The new logo has been implemented on our new website, and it will also be in our marketing materials. Although Fernando was very excited that his submission won the contest, he has not picked up his prize. He said that the satisfaction of winning was enough and he has forfeited his prize.